среда, 29 сентября 2004 г.

Baby Shower Planning Guide for Planning the Perfect Baby Shower

Baby Shower Planning Guide for Planning the Perfect Baby Shower

Baby shower Planning can be overwhelming. So many things to do but the good news is that there is no need to worry because I have outlined all the information you will need in this baby shower planning guide..

We have dotted all your i's and crossed all your t's so that planning the baby shower will be a breeze. Ok lets get started...

So you want to throw a baby shower for your friend, relative or co-worker?

The first thing you need to do is grab your pen and paper and meet with the expectant mother. You want to make this a special and memorable day for her, so try to get as much information on what she likes and would want at the shower.

Here are some baby shower planning questions you might want to ask the Mom-to-be:

  1. What type of shower would she like? Big family shower or small intimate shower with her friends or even a coed shower with the expectant dad.
  2. What time and date would be more convenient for her.
  3. Does she have a preference on where she wants the shower to be held.
  4. Will she be getting other baby showers?

The next baby shower planning step is getting the mom-to-be started on the guest list by getting names and contact information for all those she wants to invite. You also need to talk to her about getting registered at a baby shower Registry before you send out invitations. This is where you also want to bring up any limitations you have such as your budget.

baby shower checklist

Guest List

First things first. Your guest list is important since your budget is largely affected by how many guests you have to accommodate. So ask the mommy to be to give you a detail guest list of all persons she will like to attend. Make sure to get full names, telephone numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses.


Now that you have an idea of the number of people that may be attending you can now factor in food, location, favors and other baby shower supplies. Prioritizing your expenses will manage your spending and keep your baby shower planning on target. If you still find that you are going over budget then this maybe the time to get a co-host, ask for volunteers or reduce the guest list. Follow these tips and ideas to help you plan a baby shower on a budget.

The Theme

To theme or not to theme?...Deciding on a theme will make your baby shower planning more organized since you will have a central base to plan around. It will be much easier when planning the menu, decorations and games if you have a theme to work with. If you are wondering what kind of theme to go with you might want to consider if the mom to be is having a boy or girl, the expectant mothers tastes or the theme of the nursery if she has one.

Location of the Shower

In picking a venue for the shower the first thing you need to consider is the number of guests you will have to accommodate comfortably. If you have the space then you can host the shower at your home at no cost. However if you have a very large guest list then you might want to consider hosting the party at a banquet hall or reserve a venue big enough.

Make sure to choose a location that will be amendable to your needs for instance if using a restaurant some restaurants may have restrictions on length of time and decorations also not all guests feel comfortable attending a restaurant especially if its an expensive one.

Choose a time that is convenient to you and the expectant mother. Baby showers are usually held on weekends when most guests will have the weekend off from work. If you choose to have the baby shower during the week then its best to start the evening so guests have a chance to drop by after work.


Baby shower Invites should be sent out as soon as possible so that guests have enough time to reserve the date and prepare. Choose a invitation that reflects the theme of the shower, that way guests can get an idea of what kind of baby shower to look forward to. Include all the pertinent information like date, time, location, directions and who to RSVP to.


Decorating the party will transform a simple space into a baby shower celebration. The decorations usually reflects the theme and even indicate the sex of the baby. You can purchase theme decorations or make your own. Don't forget the centerpiece!


Planning a baby shower menu can be overwhelming for some but doesn't have to be if you keep it simple. Choose food for the expectant mom not just guests. The amount of time and money you have will largely affect your menu choices as well.

Game and Activities

Games and activities are a must if you do not want an awkward and boring celebration. Games breaks the ice where guests are not acquainted with each other and offer fun entertainment for guests. There are lots of games to choose from on this site.


Favors are a way to say thank you for coming and that guests were appreciated. Favors also serve as a reminder to guest of the baby shower. Make sure to give each guest a favor at the end of or during the shower.The best favors are those that guests will likely have use for, such as soaps, makeup, gadgets, etc.

Don't Forget:

Original article and pictures take www.fun-babyshower-games.com site

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