There are tons of baby shower games out there to choose from.
Below is a list of creative baby shower games we think you and your guests will really enjoy. Personalize them any way you can to make the baby shower an extra special, memorable day!
1. Diaper Fashion Show
This game challenges all involved to pin as many diapers to themselves as possible within a given time frame. Your guests will love this game because it is hysterical! Who can take themselves too seriously when they have diapers pinned to their clothes? Once the time is up, have your guests model their diapers in a silly fashion show and give a gift for the most fashionable!

2. Baby Trapped In Ice
Before your guests arrive, freeze some miniature babies in ice cubes. Place the ice cubes in your guests’ drinks. Keep an eye on the babies throughout the shower. Whoever gets their baby ice cube to melt first, and free the baby, wins. This one is great because it brings engagement throughout the shower.

3. Chop Binky
How many pacifiers/binkies can you pick up with a chopstick in your mouth? Your guests will know after this entertaining game! Great idea via Play.Party.Plan!

4. PlayDough Baby
Who doesn’t love to play with play dough?! Let your guests get creative making their play dough babies. Will baby look like any of the creations? You will have to wait and see!

5. Diaper Notes
This one will bring joy to the parents time and time again. Get a big box of newborn diapers and have guests write funny quotes and sayings on them. This will make those late night diaper changes easier later on and guests will love being funny!

6. Bottle Chugging
This idea comes via BabyCenter. Fill bottles with the beverage of choice and have guests race to get the liquid down the fastest!
Have everyone line up, and when you shout, “Go!” The players have to drink the liquid as quickly as they can – through the nipple. (No unscrewing the top allowed!) ~BabyCenter

The greatest things about these 6 games? Fun, laughter, togetherness, creativity, and bonding! If you still need some more inspiration, take a look at the following baby shower game ideas which we found on Pinterest:

Have a great shower game to share? Leave it in the comments!
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