вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

World Traveler Baby Shower

World Traveler Baby Shower

Did anyone else blink and Monday showed up? Well, maybe you are lucky and have a three day weekend. Perhaps you spent your weekend organizing? (like I should have…) Or maybe you were bundled up since the cold temperatures seem to have finally hit this winter? Whether you worked or relaxed, I hope it was great!

Blame it on the weather but we are on a movie kick these days. Our normal go-to for movies is spy/ thriller/action but we have been venturing completely out of our usual routine these days. We rented The Martian Friday night. Last weekend we went and saw The Big Short. Have you seen them? I literally laughed, cried and clapped in both.

Today I am sharing some pics from a fun baby shower we hosted for our bestie. This shower was well before the holidays but I just got to downloading the pics and wanted to share some of the highlights with you.

World Traveler Baby Shower Theme

My sweet friend was expecting her first boy and she has always been an adventurer. We trekked through Europe together for three weeks (with only our backpacks!) when we graduated college. Her and her husband love to travel. Her Dad and brother are both pilots. So when it came to picking out a theme for her baby shower, “world traveler” was just the perfect way to welcome her sweet baby boy to this world.

It was so much fun to put this shower together for her. Of course, I love hosting parties and I love a theme. Actually, this might be one of my most very favorite things. But it’s even more amazing when it’s for one of your “people.”

World Traveler Baby Shower

I really didn’t go over the top but did have fun collecting a few pieces. Globes were of course an easy one since I have a collection in Sweet P’s bedroom. I created this art for the mantel using a free map I found online and putting the words “You Are Our Greatest Adventure” over it. Then I stuck it in an old frame I had. This now lives in the playroom in the basement.

World Traveler Baby Shower

I made a fun garland using an old atlas I ordered on ebay. I think it was around $3.00. I just tore out the pages and made paper airplanes and hung them over twine. And yes, I had to google “how to make paper airplanes” to make them. I thought for sure I knew how but then I couldn’t figure it out! Ha, I guess it has been too long.

Paper Airplane Garland

I just loved this simple little decor detail.

Globes and atlas map pages stacked around an old vintage suitcase made a fun centerpiece.

World Traveler Baby Shower

Um. No words. This cake was divine.

I painted a globe with chalkboard paint years ago and it has come in handy for various occasions. It made the perfect spot to leave a note for Baby C. As you can see, I also used real plates, silverware and cloth napkins. Sure- paper and plastic may be easier. But come on, what is the point of having nice things if you never use them when entertaining?

And here we are! These beauties have been my besties since high school. Unfortunately, we don’t get together much these days. But we do have an ongoing text chain that pretty much makes me laugh out loud daily.

Crazy fact: I was the ONLY one that did not birth a baby out of these ladies in 2015.

And what’s even crazier to me is that collectively we have nine kids. NINE KIDS?!?!?!?! How is that possible. I mean, we were JUST getting our drivers license and skipping school together. Ha, just kidding moms. We NEVER did that.



Original article and pictures take southernstateofmindblog.com site

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